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HOME > OEM Product > Wild Ginseng Products
Wild Ginseng Products

Konjac 2000
2000Konjac 2000
ǰ ֱ ̼ ǰ ũ ް ִ ʰ ̼ ǥ ī ֿ ο Ĺ ǰԴϴ.
This product is a new vegetable food made of konjac, the representing ingredient of supramolecular dietary fiber that takes center stage in the area of dietary fiber food these days, and sea tangle, an alkaline seaweed, as main material.
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Mimo Soap(Beauty Soap)
̸Mimo Soap(Beauty Soap)
̸ ȲǺ ѱ ߿ ϴ , , ۾, Ȳ, , ȣ, ε, , , ѱ Ưǰ ȫ ܿ 10 Ѿ縦 ǰ̸ Ǻΰ ǰ Ƹٿ ϵ ν Ƹٿ Ǻ Ű Բ ο մϴ.÷ : , , , ٽø, ȣ, Ȳ, , , ,
Mimo Soap is produced by using the imperial secrets of traditional medicine and has mugwort, solomons seal, peony, foxglove, tuckahoe, hares ear root, honeysuckle, adlay seeds, apricot seeds which grow in Korea's fields and mountains. It also contains red ginseng, which is an indigenous product of Korea, as well as 10 other oriental herbs as its principal ingredients. The soap is the embodiment of succeeding tradition and developing it into a modern skin science. By enabling one to maintain the typical beauty of modern man's body and mind, the soap provides beautiful skin, a pure soul and also a serene life. additives : chameleon, Chinese angelica, carrot, kelp, walnut, skullcap, mung bean, salad burnet, shrubby sophora, chocolate-vine
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Collagen S
ݶCollagen S
"Ǻο ݶհ Ȱ ǰ ʿ ܵƾ ۷ڻ յ ô ݶԴϴ. "
This product contains collagen for radiant and healthy skin containing chondroitin and glucosamine for healthy joints
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